Hola Pequeno Artista

Ages 5 & 6
Children of ages 5 & 6 will be doing simple drawings, oil pastel colourings and simple clay moulding during the art lesson. This is to build up their motor skills as well as social skills. Children get to do a short story telling (presentation) at the end of the lesson. It's all about learning and having fun in this art class.

Primary School, Special Needs School & Student Care
Ages 7-12
Children of ages 7 to 12 will be classified into two groups. The lower primary group and upper primary group. Lower primary children will be doing drawings, oil pastel colourings and clay moulding. Upper primary children will be doing drawings, paintings and clay moulding. Both groups get to do a short story telling (presentation) at the end of the lesson.

Private Home Teaching
Ages 5-12
Children of ages 5 to 12 will be learning drawings, oil pastel colourings, paintings and clay moulding. This is a one to one teaching session and and the child gets to do a short story telling (presentation) at the end of the lesson to the teacher. Children will share about the drawings they had drew and showcast their talent.
For enquiries about course fee, please email to contactpequenoartista@gmail.com